A Cuban Cemetery

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Pages: 5

A Cemetery Out of a Movie
Letty Aranda
Keiser University

Cemeteries are usually sad places people go to so they can pray to their family members who have passed away or simply to pay them a visit. This particular one that I am going to talk about has stuck out in my mind more than any other one I have been to. I’ve been to quit a few of them and none like this one. It is called El Cementerio La Reyna and it is located in Cienfuegos, Cuba. I went here on my vacation to Cuba to visit my husband’s family. My husband’s grandmother was buried in this cemetery and he had not been back to Cuba since he left in 2005. His grandmother dies within a year of him leaving the country and he felt terrible since he was not able to see her before
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You could see this was a common cemetery for people with not much money for burials. There was various statues all around. Some were of angels, others were crosses, and others resembled people I assume once lived there. The air felt hot as though the sun had been beaming down. It smelled like grass mixed with smoke. The humidity was so uncomfortable and the mosquitos were driving me nuts. I wondered when we would reach his grandmother’s tomb. I must have been walking for at least 10 minutes before we reached the second part of the …show more content…
It had been twelve years since he left and seeing these conditions he was insulted. He began pulling out the grass with his bare hands cried inconsolably. My heart tore as I saw him, with such pain. All he could say was “porque si ella dio todo por nosotros esta su tumba como si no tuviese familia?” meaning “why if she gave all for us is her tomb in these conditions?”. He walked out of the cemetery to a small house made of old wood to ask the man that lived there for a machete so he could cut the grass better. There aren’t any lawn mowers here so a machete is as good as it was going to get. He walked back over to his grandmother’s tomb and began