A Doll's House Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 244
Pages: 1

1. I believe the theme for A Doll's House is Nora's awakening and her escaping the entrapment of domesticity, her whole life has been ruled by either her father or her husband, Torvald. She finally comes to question the base of everything she believes in once her marriage is put to the test. Helmer: "You alarm me, Nora--- and I don't understand you." Nora: "No, that is just it, you don't understand me, and I have never understood you either--- before tonight." Nora realizes her and Torvald connection was not true. I believe her relationship with Torvald was truly due to convenience and what she then believed to be love. Nora: " That is just it; you have never understood me. I have been greatly wronged, Torvald--- first by papa and then by you."