A Dream In Arlington Robinson's Richard Cory

Words: 448
Pages: 2

Having money can not protect people from desperate, sometimes it will push people into the mire and they could never get out of it. Instead of being rich, holding a dream gives people more hope and perseverance to survive. Richard Cory is a poem written by Arlington Robinson, which was the first published in The Children of The Night, 1897. The poem is talking about a rich person Richard Cory who seemed to have everything finally killed himself at one peaceful night. Every other people in the town look forward to being him because they are lack of meat and bread. In this poem, “So on we worked and waited for the light, and went without the meat and cursed the bread” (Robinson 13) shows the story happened in a tough period when people were going through …show more content…
This sentence summarise the following sentence of the poem —to show that Richard Cory is a rich, well educated and admirable person in the little town that every one else wanted to be like him. The sentence makes a sharp contract to the sad ending that Richard Cory died himself at home. This quote also shows that some rich people were not as happy as people thought although they seemed to have everything, instead of this, they might have a lot of stress because of their rich lives. As the ending of the whole story, “And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet in his head” (Robinson 15) tells the ending of this character who was supposed to be happy. “clam” has a contract to the “night”. The last two sentence contract Richard Cory to the rest of poor people in the town, which is an irony that shows that rich people like Richard who had everything give in under the pressure of the life while poor people who lived under hunger continued working and did not give up to find the light and hope. Dreams are not always supposed to come true, it’s a wonderful willing of people that support them to