A Guide To Australia's Stolen Generation Analysis

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Pages: 5

More than 370 million indigenous people are living and spreading across 70 countries worldwide. In Australia, Aboriginal are the first nation of the Australian continent. The Aboriginals have been living on the Australian continent for at least 50,000 years, rooting the culture and background of the country. In 1788, when European settlers first arrived in Australia, it had a great impact on the indigenous people’s life, their land has been taken away, and have been exposure to new diseases, the Aboriginals have been treated unfairly and have been badly affected by prejudice. For more than two centuries, the Aboriginals revolted against the British government for justice. Although Aboriginal Australians suffered prejudice at the hands of the …show more content…
Since then, the Aboriginal suffered from injustice. Many Aboriginal people were killed at this time by the colonists, while defending their land, and some died from diseases introduced by the European settlers (Australian Together 2014). Moreover, between 1910 to 1970, many Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their families. The government wanted to 'assimilate' these Aboriginal children into the dominant European culture over one or two generations by denying and destroying their culture (Morgan 2008). These Aboriginal people are referred to as the ‘Stolen Generations’. In the article ‘A guide to Australia’s Stolen Generations’ (Korff 2016), the Aboriginal children were ‘totally cut off from their Aboriginality’. The children never learned anything traditional and hardly received any schooling. They were trained to do low grade domestic and farming work. Many of the Stolen Generations were physically, emotionally and sexually abused. A number of Stolen Generations had difficulty bringing up their own children as they lacked a parent figure while they were growing up (Morgan 2008). Until today, many Aboriginal people are still searching for their parents and siblings. These facts all show the Aboriginal people suffered injustice at the hand of the British. The impact of the white settlers had changed the Aboriginals’ lives, and the lives …show more content…
The first Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) was established in 1971, becoming the first Aboriginal community-controlled health service. The Redfern was the beginning of the movement for Aboriginals to establish and be in charge of their own health services, moreover to support the whole Aboriginal community with a complete health care, the government also developed National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan from the year 2013 to 2023 to provide an overall structure which builds connection with other major Commonwealth health activities focusing on improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health (Australian Government 2015). As a result of the improvement, there have a significant decreasing number in smoking, and have steady diabetes rates, normal cholesterol levels and blood pressure (Australian Government 2015). In addition, the government is trying to build a more effective and responsive health system. As for the education, the government is devoted to increasing the understanding about Aboriginals and knowledgeable of the histories, cultures, and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First Peoples of Australia (NSW Government 2008). The schools in Australia will provide Aboriginal cultural education to all workers and every student. The Indigenous Advancement Strategy