A Moveable Feast Hemingway Analysis

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Pages: 1

Take-Home Exam: Examining “Scott Fitzgerald” in A Moveable Feast: The Restored Edition In the chapter, “Scott Fitzgerald,” Hemingway portrays how a good writer can be destroyed by alcoholism and a jealous wife. Immediately in the epigraph, Hemingway establishes that Scott is natural writer, “[h]is talent was as natural as the pattern that was by made by the dust on the butterfly’s wings” (Hemingway 126). However, his wings are described as “damaged” and Hemingway explains that he met him at a great moment in his career. The “damaged wings” further implicate Scott’s problems with alcohol and his controlling and jealous wife Zelda who holds him back from flying and flourishing into the artist he could be. In order to begin, he starts with his