A Raisin In The Sun Quote Analysis

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Pages: 3

“MAMA(quietly): Oh— (very quietly) So now it’s life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life—now it's money. I guess the world really do change.” (Hansberry 522) A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, talks about the life of the younger family and their dreams. The book shows how each of the family members, Mama, Ruth, Beneath, and Walter, realize their dreams. Lena Younger is one of the character of the book that has a dream. Lena is the oldest and the head of the family, she has dream to buy her own house so everyone can live together. “BENEATHA (turning on him with a sharpness all her own): That money belongs to Mama, Walter, and it's for her to decide how she wants to use it. I don't care if she wants to buy a house or a rocket ship or just nail it up somewhere and look at it. It's hers. Not ours—hers.” (Hansberry 497). This quote shows how bad Mama wants to buy a house. This is interpreted as her dream, but her dream really is to be able to support family and give them the best because that is what she thinks they deserve. This paragraph proves that mama’s dream is to support and care for her family as much as she is able to. Ruth Younger is another character of the book and she herself self has a dream. Ruth is married to Walter, and is …show more content…
Walter Lee has a dream of opening a liquor store, he believes that it will bring a lot of money to his family that could come be really used. As he dreams of becoming wealthy, it is not really what he dreams of, his actually dream is to give his son and his family everything he never had, he wants to give them the best of all of the things money can buy. Walter wants to make enough money that nobody in his family will have to work, only him, who would work as little as possible make as much as he can think of. This paragraph proves that Walter’s dream is to make enough money so he is able to support his family as long as he