A Separate Peace Quote Analysis

Words: 489
Pages: 2

As we grow up, we experience events that change us as a person. The end results are unexpected and we’re unsure of what will happen to us after. Enemies don’t have to be physically present; sometimes the real enemies are found inside of us. Regardless, we still have to face our own wars. In A Separate Peace, this quote states, “I never killed anybody and I never developed an intense level of hatred for the enemy. Because my war ended before I ever put on a uniform; I was on active duty all my time at school. I killed my enemy there.” (196) Gene fought his war while he was still at Devon. Although he had conflicts with other boys, Gene didn’t specifically state who his enemy was. He decided that everyone, at some point in their life, thought of the world as a place where you will find your enemies everywhere and you are left to fight and kill in order to survive. Gene’s classmates enlisted, therefore they were fighting and killing actual people. Meanwhile, Gene was fighting with his inner demons and …show more content…
As I grow up and experience different events, I slowly realize that my real enemy is not the girl who had spread rumors about me, but none other than myself. I am my own enemy and I am ‘on active duty’ fighting with my demons. I also have to fight with the environment around me. Surrounding myself with people who put me down can affect me negatively, making it more harder to fight against my demons. My internal struggles always find a way to creep into the back of my head. But as “I killed my enemy”, I am slowly coming into terms with who I really am. We don’t have to fight physically in order to rid of our enemies; sometimes you have to fight with the thoughts that linger within ourselves. Our battles, our defeats, and our wins shape us to who we are. Entering the real world is a new and fresh experience, and without the help of our enemies, we won’t know how to deal with it. We all have to face our wars