A Thousand Splendid Suns Essay On Being A Survivor

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Pages: 3

Being a Survivor
"I'm a survivor - a living example of what people can go through and survive " - Elizabeth Taylor. Being a survivor is important; everyone goes through multiple hardships, and how me make it through will define us. Many think that such traits as perseverance and ingenuity are what defines a survivor there are many others. These are often overlooked, but are incredibly important. Among these, a survivor uses every resource available to serve his/her purpose. A survivor must be resourceful to make the best of a situation. Resourcefulness is not just using what is available to oneself. Instead, it is primarily about making the best of one’s situation. Resources are only useful if one knows what to do with them. In A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, two Afghani women are trying to raise children in a small, war-torn
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Due to pressure from their cruel husband, they were forced to have the oldest daughter leave the house. As Laila (the younger wife) said, "What kind of mother abandons her own child?" (Hosseini 318). However, the mother made the best of a terrible situation, by having her daughter stay in a kind orphanage, until they could support her again. In a similar way, the English II classroom used their available resources (each other) to clean up after the "Natural Disaster" scenario. The American Psychological Association suggests a similar approach, saying, "Help those you can. Helping others, even during your own time of distress, can give you a sense of control and can make you feel better about yourself" (Dorlan et al.). Use what is available. Without having the skills to use one's available resources, making it through difficult situations becomes unnecessarily difficult. Without seeing the bigger picture, one will never