ATSU-KCOM Personal Statement

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Pages: 3

The ATSU-KCOM class of 2027 is composed of 171 students from various backgrounds, educational backgrounds, and home states. 50 of the 171 students name Missouri as their home state, while only 36 of those in the class of 2027 call Missouri home and choose an undergraduate university in Missouri to attain a bachelor’s degree. I was born in Kansas City and raised in Independence, Missouri before moving to Maryville where I sought a bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Northwest Missouri State University with the intention of becoming a “pharmaceutical scientist”. I visited a few colleges; however, this was the only one I applied to and ultimately attended. Northwest Missouri State impressed me early on with its facilities and welcoming faculty on …show more content…
I need that for medical school?” I thought to myself. I applied to become a phlebotomist at Mosaic. One problem: I’m afraid of blood, and needles; Not precisely hair standing up on the back of your neck fear, but vasovagal syncope fear. During training, I researched the order of draw for exposure therapy and learned how to draw on my own median cubital vein—Yes, this was the proper training procedure at the time. This is one example of meeting a deficiency head on and persevering to achieve success. Moving to 2021, Dr. Kevin Witte (former Wetzel Scholar) allowed me to observe in clinic and the OR. That was my first time observing a DO, and since then, I’ve been pursuing this path. The remainder of my undergraduate experience demonstrates standard academic success that is unmemorable. My transcripts show I graduated cum laude with a 3.6-3.7 GPA and a slightly above-average MCAT score. But my transcript will not show you my most memorable academic memory of how I assisted with implementing a study system to raise an overall cumulative GPA of a 50-person student organization of which I was involved from 2.7 to 3.1 over the period of one year. Unlike I wished, my path in med school has not been