AVID Reflective Essay

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Pages: 2

AVID isn’t what I expected. I’ve had up’s and down’s coming and going through my middle school years, but, Middle school and AVID taught me that if I want to be able to graduate high school and go further in life, you have to be organized. AVID taught me that one way I can be organized was to use a binder. Using a binder helps me be organized because I had every subject labeled in their own section. There were also the Cornell notes that created a new systematic way for me to write down notes. A TRF, (Tutorial Request Form), helped me bring whatever point of confusion I had in whatever subject into Tutorial sessions. It also helped me get a new point of view from my classmates in order to solve my (POC). The start of my 6th and 7th grade year wasn’t all that rainbows and candy. I had a horrible start with my teachers and grades, leading my teachers to believe I was only just a trouble maker and not a student-athlete. Though I ended up getting my act together, I still did not make 1-4 quarter academic ceremony for 6th grade and 7th grade. This made me want to push myself harder which was when AVID stepped in. Since the start of my 8th grade year, I have been on track with my work, slipping here and there, but my teachers and friends and family have been on me about it. …show more content…
AVID taught me to go the extra mile in order to be successful. Therefore, if I want to be successful in high school, I have to be able to put in the extra work. I have to be able to adjust to the way my teachers give their lectures. This means that I have to be able to shorthand the notes I take and go back and review them. Not only do I have to review the notes that I take, but I also have to revise them and write my questions and summaries