Abolition's Conservative Sisters Thesis

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Pages: 7

In the articles that were presented the central arguments encircle around slavery and abolishment. In Amy Swerdlow’s “Abolition’s conservative sisters” focuses on the “New Yorkers poltical movement to the radical and unpopular anti-savlary cause, and ones who were willing to risk their lives for social opprobrium and bodily harm for the slaves”. The second article by Jean Sunderland, “Priorities and Power: the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society “central thesis is structured around examining an analysis of the evolving policies and priorities of the pfass from its founding date in which the Philadelphia women hosted the women’s rights convention” Also there ability to its commitment to fight slavery and the movement of women’s roles. Lastly, …show more content…
However, give examples of the opposing side of this argument, which gives you insight on why this cannot be covered up. This opposition is what is argued in this paper some historians and slave owners changed their rhetoric to the notion that slaves were treated fairly, and they were depended on the slave owner.” Slaves their masters increasingly argued, were docile, happy, and well cared for by benevolent, patriarchal owners” (Pierson 386). Later in his article we see he gives key points to shot this notion down. His title does justice as well, because; you can’t cover up something of this magnitude. Also the testament of the slave that said “ Much rather starve in England, a free women, than be a slave for the best man that ever breathed upon the American continent”(Pierson 415)(Ellen Craft). This statement sums everything including Pierson’s thesis also the reform movements that exposed the abolitionist rhetoric to see that their family model was flawed. He goes on to say, “ abolitionists rhetoric changed the landscape of wartime debates about emancipation and black citizenship. The changing in rhetoric uncovered slavery and the influence it had on …show more content…
It paints a background of which they are, their fight, how they made it through the fight, and the ending result. It also takes you on a journey from their rise to their fall then back with detail. Despite their many setbacks they were able to push forward and continue to keep hope alive. The article does a great job of giving you dates as well so you can visualize what is going on at that specific time period. Pierson is another example of this the title just gives you the idea that he is serious and is going to dig in on an issue that is greatly discussed. He gives very good examples and background evidence that provides great insight. Also the opposing view offers a challenge to his argument he provides, but he does a great job by counter attacking it. The Swerdlow article which is my favorite answers the thesis and gives a strong argument in her beliefs. I like how she gives insight and also compares and contrast the different women’s slavery groups with one another. She combines all three groups together, which shows that there was some sense of a team, which again shows how these articles complement each other rather it be a group of women or just one