Abraham Lincoln: The Menace Of Secession

Words: 545
Pages: 3

The Menace of Secession
Abraham Lincoln was sworn in on March 4, 1861 after sneaking into the White House.
Made uniting the nation again his ultimate goal.
Stated that the nation was geographically united, so dividing the country was impossible.
Asked questions about the sharing of national debt if the South left, the splitting of federal territories, and the issue of fugitive slaves.
The European nations would have liked it if the U.S. split because they would be able to easily defy the Monroe Doctrine and seize territory in the Americas.
South Carolina Assails Fort Sumter
As the South seceded, they took with them U.S. arsenals, mints, and other private property.
Only 2 significant forts in the South still part of the Union, including Fort