Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

Words: 643
Pages: 3

After the War, the South was ruinous. Confederates were at a complete loss as their homes and land had been destroyed. To repair the South from this damage, the federal government carried out a program called Reconstruction. In doing this, the Union was attempting to repay for countless destroyed railroads, building, and machinery- with killed animals and people and smoldering cities. From the many deaths, the South merely had three types of people- black southerners, plantation owners, and poor white southerners. In fact, life may have been incredibly difficult for Plantation owners as they lost a great deal of money in lost slave work. With that, the federal government passed the Captured and Abandoned Property Act of 1863, which allowed the Federal government to take $100 million from Southern plantation and cotton. Nevertheless, the President Abraham Lincoln had a plan before the war called the Ten Percent Plan. Lincoln’s plan in reconstruction pardoned any …show more content…
Seeing it too lenient, they proposed a bill called the Wade-David Act, which required former Confederates to take an oath of loyalty to the Union and swear to they never intended to fight against the Union. But, Lincoln killed the bill in a pocket veto. Shortly, Lincoln’s assassination occurred and Andrew Johnson, a Democrat with hatred to rich planters whom was the host to get Lincoln votes, became president. He too had a plan for reconstruction called Presidential Reconstruction. Somewhat similar to Lincoln’s plan, Presidential Reconstruction pardoned Southerners who swore alliegance to the Union, permitted the holding of a constitutional convention, made to have the states void secession, abolish slavery, and repudiate the Southern debt. After the states followed the provisions, they could rejoin the Union; evidently, it was more lenient than Lincoln’s