Abrahamic Covenant Research Paper

Words: 403
Pages: 2

The second major covenant God made as a part of Salvation History was the Abrahamic Covenant. God called Abram, A seventy-five year-old nomad from Ur of the Chaldeans, a land near Northern Mesopotamia, to leave his family's land to go to a new land that God would give him. God promised to give Abram many descendants, a tremendous feat given that he was an old man with a barren wife. God also promised that his descendants would have their own country in a region called Canaan (modern day Palestine), and that God would bless the entire world through Abram's descendants. As a sign of this covenant, God changed Abram's name to Abraham, which means 'Father of Many,' and established the practice of male circumcision. Although it seemed impossible to Abraham, he trusted God and nearly twenty-five years later, he had a son named Isaac, whose descendants would eventually become the kingdom of Israel. God strengthens His covenant with Abraham with further covenants to Moses and David. The Mosaic Covenant, also called the Sinai Covenant, created the Law …show more content…
Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and it named Jesus, which translates to, 'Yahweh is Salvation.' Jesus fulfilled all of the prophecies about the Jewish Messiah given to the prophets of the Old Testaments. In these prophesies, the Messiah was God’s Savior for mankind, and was said to be Emmanuel, or ‘God with us.’ Through Christ Jesus, God establishes a new covenant, written on man's hearts. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross serves as ultimate sacrifice and redemption for humanity. This new covenant that Christ brings does not negate the covenants made to Abraham and Moses, but rather it is the ultimate fulfillment of those covenants. Through Christ, humanity can restored from Original Sin, and has the opportunity to once again walk with