Abuse and Child Protection Essay

Submitted By carlyf90
Words: 1358
Pages: 6

Carly Fraser
Safeguarding the walfare of children and young people

1.1 – I have identified the current legislation, guildlines, polices and procuders for safeguarding the walfare of children and young people by participating in foundation child protection training in April 2012 this covered understanding the current legislation and terminology, investigating value issues around child protection, gaining knowledge of definitions and signs and symptoms, exploring the impact of abuse upon children and families and understanding the referral process. 1.2 – The roles of different agencies involved in safeguarding are:
Social Services: Are there to offer support to both the child and the setting. Social services have the powers to investigate any suspected improper behaviour from carers, children or the setting.
Child Protection Investigation Unit (CPIU): This unit is run by the police who have the powers to investigate, interview and arrest anyone suspected of abusing a child.
Health Visitors: A Health Visitor can sometimes be the first person to spot abuse, especially physical. Health Visitors have a duty of care to refer such information to Social Services.
School Nurse: A School Nurse can sometimes be the first person to spot abuse, especially physical. School Nurse have a duty of care to refer such information to Social Services.
2.1 – Signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses are Common cold – sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, headache, irritability, Gastroenteritis – vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration, Tonsillitis- very sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, fever, headache, aches and pains, Scarlet fever – fever, loss of appetite,sore throat, pale around mouth, “strawberry tongue”, bright pinpoint rash over face and body, Dysentery – vomiting, diarrhoea with blood and mucus, abdominal pain, fever, headache, Chickenpox – fever, very itchy rash with blister-like appearance, Measles- high fever, runny nose and eyes, cough, white spots in mouth, blotchy rash on body and face, Mumps – pain and swelling of jaw, painful swallowing, fever, Rubella (German measles) – slight cold, sore throat, swollen glands behind ears, slight pink rash, Pertussis (whooping cough) – snuffy cold, spasmodic cough with whoop sound, vomiting, Meningitis- fever, headache, irritability, drowsiness, confusion, dislike of light, very stiff neck, maybe small red spots beneath the skin that do not disappear when a glass is pressed against them.
2.2 – Actions to take when children and young people are ill or injured in my setting is to contact the first aider to assist with the situation, depending on the extent of the illness/injury further assist from doctors or emergency services my need to be provided. We will also contact the emergency contact for the child/young person if needed or explain to them what happened on their arrival to collect the person involved.

Carly Fraser
2.3 – A child or young person may need urgent medical attention if they have broken bones or possibility that there may be broken bones, if they are unresponsive, if they have shallow breathing, loss of consciousness, head injury, continued bleeding after first aid treatment has been given, burns or scalds, fits, suspected poisoning, choking or an allergic reaction
2.4 – Actions to take if there was a fire would be to ensure the fire alarm has been sounded which would then alert the emergency services, to ensure all members of my group have evacuated the building and have met at the fire point, it would then be down to the fire warden to ensure the building is secure ready for the emergency services to control the fire. If members of my group have children in the crèche once evacuated we would meet the children at the gates outside the crèche to assist crèche workers with making the children safe and they would then be responsible for their children while the fire is being dealt with. If there was a missing child we would Recheck head count and or