Accountability In Health Care

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Pages: 4

Accountability. The law helps people to keep health insurance, protect the confidentiality and security of healthcare information and help the healthcare industry control administrative costs (1). For example, the law prevents you from carrying information out of the facility you work in. Telling friends, and family who you took care of at the hospital, can get you in huge trouble. Also, you cannot make fun of a resident. For example let’s say a resident did something silly while you were at work, and you tell your school friends about the silliness. Well, if someone was related to that resident, they would not find your story silly at all. You could get fired if your boss finds out. Losing your C.N.A. license could lead you to losing the opportunity …show more content…
Not following the rules, can get you in deep trouble. For example, if you are performing a task where you are required to wear gloves, you can get in trouble by your boss. You could also get in trouble by state, because wearing gloves prevent germs. The only places where you are not allowed to wear gloves, are in the hallways of a nursing home. A nursing home wants to help residents feel like home as much as possible. Being a C.N.A. involves assistance in bathing, dressing, wiping bottoms, walking, eating, transferring, and taking vital signs and many more. Believe this or not, C.N.A.'s are extremely important to healthcare facilities. You will be doing a job for a doctor or a nurse. You will have to learn how to deal with various types of patients in a nursing home who are diagnosed with dementia, who are mad, sad, or even …show more content…
Even when I have been in a hospital overnight, I always expected to get help right away. C.N.A.'s get really busy in a hospital. When I am working, if I am not helping patients, I am usually in the emergency area helping them out, because sometimes they get stuck performing many tasks. If I am not in the emergency area, then I am in the Nurses Station charting information I have gathered throughout my shift. Sometimes I am caught stocking, cleaning, organizing documents or even helping other patients who require