Accountable Care Organization Essay

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Pages: 5

Accountable Care Organization
Ralph Edwards
Grand Canyon University
Operations in Risk Management in Health Care
Dr. Smith
March 24, 2013

Even although, the cost of the health care system and the care it offers my not allow the national debt to decline to a level that will or would enhance the economy forward the cost of running a system that is backed by the government is too costly, and it will not help the deficit. , the legal responsibility of the organization is that every patron should have the same treatment for the same ailment. There are no predetermined dispositions; everyone is eligible as a government-backed facility. The funds are to assure those who have no insurance are covered. The accountable care
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This action would not barricade the operation and or formation of the ACOs as Medicare payment reform, McClellan, Mark, et al.(2010). The Advanced Medical Technology Association, which represents MDI, believes that the system may allow the ACOs to emphasis on cost rather than quality of care. CMS would rather see beneficiary’s stronger oversight, which would require annual consents to ACOs to provide care. “David Nexon, stated that innovation and the process of medical progress is the willingness of the dependent person’s to early medical adopters, which can interrupt that early process of the ACO, senior executive vice president at AdvaMed. In addition, CMS in regards to Medicare should monitor the program. New technology users should not be penalized and the cost should be based on savings and not by any one physician, Jaimy Lee ( June 2011). The government will pay the fee for services rendered, traditionally to the ACOs. There is an increase in the cost of health care, experts contend because Medicare programs paid doctors that ordered substantial test for their patients. CMS shall cover expenses incurred for the caring of their patients, one payment received by ACOs. The cost is considered and the extra kept if patients are healthy with prevention methods and managing chronic diseases. Quality assessment benchmarks must be stringent and must include the consequence, experiences, and private process