Achilles: An Epic Hero

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Romain Rolland once said, “A hero is a man who does what he can.” This relates to Achilles because he does whatever he can to protect his people. Homer was the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey. The Iliad recounts some of the important events of the final weeks of the Trojan War .When Homer wrote The Iliad he showed how Achilles best fits the role of an epic hero. His physical strength, taking action, and courage help contribute to him being heroic. Because, Achilles possesses physical strength he best fits the role of an epic hero. In Book 1, Homer begins by asking the Muse to help him sing the story of the rage of Achilles, “Rage Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus son Achilles, murderous, doomed that cost the Achaeans countless losses hurling …show more content…
In book 1 Achilles calls a meeting, “On the tenth day Achilles called all ranks to muster’ the impulse seized him sent by white-armed Hera, grieving to see Achaean fighters drop and die”(62-64). This shows how Achilles takes action because instead of the king calling a meeting he took it upon himself to do it because he was protecting his people. In book 22 when Hector was dying Achilles talked about Patroclus, “Hector could still gasp out some words, some last reply… he crashed in the dust, godlike Achilles gloried over him: ‘Hector surely you thought when you striped Patroclus’ armor that you, you would be safe! Never a fear of me far from the fighting as I was, you fool! Left behind there, down by the beaked ships, his avenger waited, a greater man by far, that man was I, and I smashed your strength!’” ( 235-240). This shows how Achilles takes action because when Achilles found out that Hector killed Patroclus he went right to hunting him down. In book 1 Hector is debating whether he should kill Agamemnon or not. “The heart in his rugged chest was pounding, torn… Should he draw the long sharp sword slung at his hip, thrust through the ranks and kill Agamemnon now? ( 223-225). This quote is similar to the other quote and also deals with how Achilles takes action and killed by killing Hector to avenge Patroclus. An epic hero takes action to make decisions and protect people. Achilles takes action …show more content…
In book 1 Achilles promises to protect Calchas if he tells him about Apollo. “And the matchless runner reassured him: Courage! Out with it now, Calchas. Reveal the will of god, whatever you may know. And I swear by Apollo, dear to Zeus, the power you pray to, Calchas, when you reveal will to the Argives- no one, not while I’m alive and see the light on Earth, no one will lay his heavy hands on you by the hollow ships. None among the armies. Not even if you mean Agamemnon, here who claims to be the best of Achaeans,” (Line 99-108). This shows how Achilles possesses courage because he promised Calchas that he would protect him even if it was from Agamemnon. In book 1 Achilles is telling Agamemnon that he won’t listen to him, “What a worthless, burnt out coward I’d be called if I would submit to you and all your orders, whatever you blurt out. Fling them at others, don’t give me commands! ( 343-346). This showed how Achilles had courage because he told Agamemnon that he would never answer to his orders. In book 22 Achilles is challenging Hector to fight, “Come, Call up any courage you can muster. Life or death prove yourself a spearman, a daring man of war!” ( 161-163) This shows how he had courage because Achilles was not scared to face Hector and he challenged him with no issue. An epic hero is courageous so they can defeat enemies with no fear. Achilles shows that he best fits the role