Adenosine Triphosphate and Electron Transport Chain Essay

Submitted By sabmacias1
Words: 2348
Pages: 10

Module 2: Life’s Origin Guided Notes
Lesson 2.00 Life’s Origin Checklist
This lesson shows the checklist for your module and reminds you to take the pretest. The pretest will assess what you know already and could possibly even excuse you from some of your work. Make sure that when you complete the pretest, you are using your own words and your own knowledge.

Lesson 2.01 The Chemistry of Life
4 main types of organic macromolecules
What do all of these macromolecules have in common?

Define Polymer-
Monosaccharides- made up of ____ carbohydrate molecule
2 examples-
Monosaccarides are very important in providing ___________ for the cell.
All monosaccharides have the same basic formula, which is ______________. The differences in the behaviors of those molecules has to do with the _____________ of the molecule.
2 examples-
What accounts for the differences in the properties of the various polysaccharides?
What is the monomer (single unit) that make up the polysaccharides?
In 10 words or less, write what makes each type of polysaccharide important:

Not mixing with water makes something __________________
3 main categories of lipids are:
Fats- Made up of 1 glycerol and ___________________________________
Why are fats important?
Phospholipids- how is the structure different from a fat?
How does that change the relationship that phospholipids have to water?
Steroids- what are some examples of steroids?

Made up of units called __________________________
Amino acids all share a common structure with one exception. What part of the amino acid makes each one unique?
Just like we have seen with other macromolecules, it is the _________________ of the protein that gives it its unique properties.
Choose 3 of the protein examples and write what it does.
What do catalysts, like enzymes, do?
We’re seeing a common theme here… what controls the type of reaction that the enzymes can help speed up?
What are 2 examples of things that can inhibit the way that an enzyme works?
What happens to the enzyme to make it not function correctly anymore?

Nucleic Acids
What are the 2 main types of nucleic acids?
Nucleic acids are made up of chains of ________________. Those nucleotides consist of 3 main components which are the nitrogen base, the ______________ and the _______________.
The shape of the DNA molecule is a ________________________.

Name of Macromolecule
Nucleic Acids
(name of base unit)


(what it does)


Complete the self check to review and record your answers here.
Use the word bank
a) Antibodies b) Contractile proteins c) Hormonal proteins
d) Transport proteins e) Structural Proteins f) Enzymes
1. Proteins that help defend organisms from foreign invadors
2. Carrier proteins that move molecules from one place to another around the body (like hemoglobin)
3. Proteins responsible for movement of muscles.
4. Fibrous and stringy proteins that provide support
5. Messenger proteins that help coordinate body activities (like insulin)
6. Specialized proteins that speed of reactions.

Standard track students, you can move on to the activity. Honors track students should continue reading.
Organic molecules are those based around the element _____________.
Carbon is unique in that it can form a wide variety of bonds with itself and many other elements.
What process allows monosaccharides to bond together to form disaccharides and then larger polysaccharides?
Describe the difference between dehydration synthesis and hydrolosis?
What accounts for the differences in the functions and properties of molecules like starches, glycogen, cellulose and chitin?

What are some reasons that fatty