Adhd Rhetorical Analysis

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Pages: 4

Rhetorical Analysis of the CDC’s Facts about ADHD Web Site
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and it can last into adulthood. This may cause adolescents to have trouble paying attention, impulsive behavior or overly active. Children with ADHD continue to have these symptoms and it can affect school, home life and friends. There are three types of ADHD based on the child’s symptoms. Predominantly Inattentive Presentation the child has problems organizing or finishing tasks. Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation this person fidgets and talks excessively. Combined Presentation this person has both the Predominantly Inattentive Presentation and Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation these presentations can alter over time. Causes of ADHD can be genetic, brain injury, lead, and countless others. The Center for Disease Control’s website gives information to educate parents and individuals with ADHD. It gives people a greater understanding of the symptoms and care. The CDC is the nation’s health protection agency, they save lives. CDC provides health
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The purpose of the website is to educate all individuals and provide facts and symptoms to caregivers. The government would post a public web page pertaining to ADHD to inform the public, how to spot symptoms of ADHD, and how to provide care for a person with ADHD. The general public expects the government to play the role in finding a cure, and prevention, the issues this topic raises is to prevent and educate. The stake is to prevent and diagnose ADHD and treatment. The CDC’s web page focuses heavily on children the impression this website gives to the general public is this disorder can be treated if the child or adult is diagnosed. The choice to focus on children is justified considering it affects our