Adult Attachment Inventory (AAI)

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Attachment Theory and Adult Relationships
Attachment theory is biological need driven system that between children and caregivers. Attachment theory the child forms patterned behavior to insure survival of itself. Dr. Mary Main a psychologist residing in Berkeley applied attachment theory to adult romantic relationships. Dr. Mary Main noticed that the attachment styles of adults mirrored the interactions between children and their caregivers’ relationships. Dr. Mary Main Helped to develop the Adult Attachment Inventory (AAI). The four Styles of Attachment in adults are: Secure, Dismissive-avoidant, preoccupied-ambivalent, and unresolved-disorganized.
Secure Attachment
Individuals who form secure attachment value the benefits that come from
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Laura friends are transit at best due to the fact she lives to work. She been dating someone for five years, but reports in the past five years she has not discussed in great detail any significant topics to her knowledge. Laura reports she really does not need the relationship, but she does enjoy spending time with him. From the history alone without the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) we can tell that Laura is Dismissing-Avoidant. She holds her parents in high regard contrary to the physical abuse and lack of relationship, and she really minimizes the importance of personal relationships in her life. She tries to normalize her mothers and fathers relationship and apologize for their abusive disciplinary measures by stating she just needed to be better. Though most of Laura’s intake speaks of narrative of trying to reclaim the better days I think it more attributed to seeking something familiar compared to her present which is filled with so much discomfort. The hallmark of all attachment theories is that all indviduals seek relationships or attachments that feed some need or comfort. Also, she would not be preoccupied due to fact she does not confuse her time and place in her reporting of stories it is more an air of normalizing that is related to dismissive avoidant attachment style. From, her the therapist will have to get her to explore her past relationship behaviors and perceptions of relationships past and