Essay about Advertisement: United States Constitution and Constitutional Principle

Submitted By Cathy-Bucklin
Words: 831
Pages: 4

Thesis Statement Choices
1. Take a position on the issue of The Right to Die as it relates to individual rights and the common good. Should physicians be required by law to help terminally ill patients who have a strong desire to end their lives? Is physician assisted suicide ethical? How is terminally ill defined?
Thesis: I believe that The Right To Die is/is not ethical because ____________, _________,

Everyone is guaranteed civil rights under the 14th Amendment
Competent people should have the right to choose death
Physician assisted suicide is a compassionate response to unbearable suffering
Many people feel taking of a life is morally wrong
Burdened family members may abuse the right to death by encouraging the option over life
Physicians pledge to not harm patients (Hippocratic Oath)
Physicians may make mistakes in terminal diagnoses
Many laws include safeguards such as waiting periods, family notification, and in put from multiple physicians

2. This thesis statement takes the position that the Indian Removal Act violated numerous principles of the Constitution. For a call to action think about how the Indian Removal Act relates to current events such as private property rights. How? Why?.....
Thesis: The Indian Removal Act of 1830 violated the United States Constitution because___________, ____________________, ___________________.

Indians were forcibly removed from their lands (John Ross & Principles of the Constitution # 7
- Individual Rights and Amendment s 4, 5& 9)
Andrew Jackson did not uphold the Supreme Court’s decision (federal government versus state government) (Federalism, Article 3, Sections 1&2)
Individual economic interests ( great farm land, and found gold on land) versus Indian rights
(Article 3, Sections 1&2, Amendment 5)

3. Which aspect of the first amendment to the Constitution is important to you and your community?
Include one aspect of the first amendment and use research to state how it relates to one democratic ideal and one constitutional principle. (Freedoms of speech, press, and religion)
Thesis: I believe that the freedoms of speech, press, and religion are the most important rights of
Americans because _____________ ,____________, _____________________.
4. Take a position on the issue of the death penalty as it relates to one democratic ideal and one constitutional principle. Is the death penalty cruel and unusual punishment? Should the death penalty be legal in the United States?
Thesis: I believe that the death penalty is/is not appropriate punishment in the United States because _______________, _____________________, __________________.

Victims’ rights (see Amendments 8 and 9)
Expense to state
Deterring( discouraging) criminals
Cruel and unusual punishment
Disrespect for human life

5. Take a position on the issue of gun control as it relates to one democratic ideal and one constitutional principle. Was it the intention of the Second Amendment to give all citizens the right to own any type of weapon? Do gun control laws prevent crime?
Thesis: I believe that gun control is/is not necessary in the United States because___________,
____________________, ___________________.
 Increase or reduction of deaths from guns –(compare/contrast to other countries)
 Accidental deaths
 Sports and Recreation
 Effective means of self-defense
 Amendment 2- Right to Bear Arms
6. Take a position on the issue of corporal punishment as it relates to one democratic ideal and one constitutional principle.