Aeneas Compare And Contrast Essay

Words: 482
Pages: 2

The Trojans and Aeneas, son of Venus, are on a trip to find a new home in Italy after fleeing from their home city, Troy, which has been destroyed by the Greeks. On the first stop of their journey, they meet Andromache, who welcomed them into their home and also received useful help from Helenus. After they leave here, they set to round the tip of Italy and head for Sicily to settle for the night. While here, they encounter a Cyclopes that forced them from the land after a man had come running to warn them of the monsters. Following escaping the Cyclopes they are soon met by another obstacle, a storm sent from Juno. Juno hated all Trojans because she was afraid of the destiny that was bound for them. She was told in a dream that Aeneas would conquer Carthage at some point. Her distress unleashed in a storm that attempted to drown Aeneas and his crew. In the wake of the storm, Juno soon realized her plan was failing because trying to go against the Fates wasn’t an easy job. Juno partners with Aeolus, King of the Winds, to sink the Trojan ships in return for a marriage with one of her loveliest women. Jupiter, brother of Juno, was able to calm the sea and allow Trojans to reach the land …show more content…
Although Aeneas and the Trojans were faced with many obstacles along the way, they continued to carry on in order to complete their goal, which was to settled in Italy. The first major problem they face is escaping from the Cyclops. If they didn't make it out of there alive, they never would’ve made it to their home but luckily they gathered their things as quickly as they could in order to continue. Most people would give up and go back home after experiencing this terrifying event, but instead Aeneas decided to power through to make it to their safe haven. However, their troubles didn’t stop after the run-in with the Cyclops. Afterword, the storm they faced also set them back