Agatha Christie Ferguson Analysis

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Pages: 5

We call to the stand Agatha Christie and Alane Ferguson. Agatha Christie wrote And Then There Were None that involved a mass murder. Alane Ferguson wrote Angel of Death which is a forensic mystery of a malicious murder. This is the case of Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None versus Alane Ferguson’s Angel Of Death. The evidence is their way of drawing the plot, character development, and their writing styles. Each of the books are unique in how the plot is drawn. Christie’s started out with her giving the reader an insight of each of the ten characters on their way to Indian Island, where each of them have been asked to go. Ferguson set her book up differently. Most of her book was Cameryn trying to solve the murder of her teacher, …show more content…
The bodies in Christie’s were found by the boatman and then a confession was found later saying it was Wargrave. Even the way the authors wrote the methods of murder are different. In And Then There Were None, the victims were killed by different methods, from poison to blunt force to the head and each followed the nursery rhyme. Ferguson stayed simple with her method of an extreme amount of radiation. In comparison, the killers have different reasons for why they killed those people. Kyle O’Neil killed Brad Oakes and the dog because he felt like Oakes gave up on him and his father loved the dog more than he loved him whereas Judge Wargrave killed those people because he loved being God. In And Then There Were None, the people are affected by each killing since they were all terrified they’d be the next victim. But in Angel of Death, the people are only affected by the means of someone they knew was killed. Another difference was that even though Cameryn has outside issues, it doesn’t seem to …show more content…
Christie is from the 1900s while Ferguson is still alive to this day. They use different methods of their time to draw in their readers, Ferguson with the description of Brad Oakes’ body and Christie with her title. In Christie’s book, she uses the recording on the machine to captivate the readers and victims in the room. Ferguson uses a radiation machine that killed Brad Oakes and the dog. The writers keep the readers on their feet and change the attention to someone else with what seems like five minutes. Christie was more aggressive with her changing of attention, though. When the reader thinks it is one person, who has had the attention turned to them by another, they are killed. In the first few chapters, everyone thinks they know the murderer is Dr. Armstrong since that seems to be the only explanation. A few more chapters and more dead bodies later, the doctor is killed. This proves that it could not have been him. Christie centers in on Vera and the readers think they might get a confession before killing herself. Christie teases the reader with “ending it there”. When Christie had the Scotland Yard examine the case, the reader discovers that there was someone left due to the chair neatly against the wall. Ferguson changed the attention to Dwayne Reynolds and then Kyle O’Brien’s father. Instead of killing them off in the way Christie did, she simply gave them alibis. Christie stayed