Notes On Imperialism

Submitted By afsha1301
Words: 683
Pages: 3

Imperialism: policy by which one country takes control of the economic and political control of another country or region
Expansionist: The belief that Americans shared the duty to extend their cultures to others.
Isolation: policy having little to do with foreign nations
Sphere of Influence: area in china where a foreign nation had special trading privileges and made laws for its own citizens.
Isthmus: Narrow strip of land
Dollar Diplomacy: President Taft’s policy of encouraging Americans to invent in Latin America.
Yellow Journalism: the reporting of exaggerated stores in newspaper to increase sales.
Annex: add on, such territory
Monroe Doctrine: Passed in 1823 by President Monroe. The United States will defend its interests in the Western Hemisphere and keep European powers out. Other powers would not be permitted to intervene in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.
Roosevelt Corollary: Theodore Roosevelt addition to the Monroe Doctrine warning nations in the Americas that if they didn’t pay their debts, the United States would get involved.
Platt Amendment: 1901. 1. Cuba will not enter into treaty or agreement with another country which may in any way allow a foreign country to occupy part of Cuba or allow a foreign country to control Cuba.
2. Cuba promises not to become indebted to a foreign country beyond its ability to repay such loans.
3. The US will have the right to intervene in the affairs of Cuba in order to preserve Cuba’s independence or to maintain an order in the country.
4. Cuba will accept U.S. sponsored public health programs to eliminate diseases like Yellow Fever
5. Cuba agrees to sell or lease land or ports to the US for coaling stations and military bases.
Foraker Act (1900)
1. Helped Puerto Rico set up a new government
2. Gave Puerto Ricans a limited say in their own affairs.
Open Door Policy: a policy established by the United States in 1899 to promote equal access for all nations to trade in China.
Treaty of Paris
1. Spain must give up all claims to Cuba, the US will maintain peace and protect life and liberty on the Island
2. Spain must give the US control of Puerto Rico and Guam
3. Spain will sell Philippine Islands to US for 20 million
4. Spain must release all prisoners of war and political prisoners in Cuba and the Philippines.
5. US must release all prisoners of war.
6. Spain and the US will agree on mutual shipping rights
7. Spanish citizens are free to remain on or leave these islands.
Treaty of Kanagawa
Commodore Matthew Perry was sent to open Japan for trade. After his unsuccessful visit in 1853, Perry returned to Japan in 1854 with seven warships.