Agent Orange Argument Essay

Words: 955
Pages: 4

Quality of life is a critical aspect of everyday life and most people strive to live a healthy life. Yet, every day we come into contact with multitudes of chemical compounds that may be denigrating our very best efforts to stay healthy. Agent Orange, PFOA, and Roundup are one of many chemically-based products that threaten both human and environmental health. The exposure to these chemicals should be decreased, and policies concerning reduction of chemicals should be implemented, since exposure to contaminants has been shown to have devastating consequences on human health.
The use of chemicals and their ability to cause harm can be depicted throughout history. In Donovan James article titled ‘Why is Monsanto Making Agent Orange?’, he describes the devastating effects of harmful chemicals. Agent Orange, a chemical that was designed for warfare against Vietnam by the United States is one such horrific chemical. “The exact number of Vietnamese that were killed or suffered health problems-often horrific in children-is hard to estimate. However, 2 to 3 million seems to be a reliable number.” It can be argued that the use of chemicals in warfare is unmerited, and perhaps inhumane, as their use will only lead to destruction. Agent Orange was originally designed to be used as a herbicide, but was found
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Yet, this is simply not realistic, as our environment is polluted and contaminated by chemicals. . Policies and reform are the only solution for reduction of the chemicals that plague our society and if exposure to the ingredients in products such as Roundup and PFOA were decreased, dire health consequences due to exposure could potentially be lessened. The knowledge that chemicals cause harm, directly resulting in a multitude of health problems, demands a future where the use of harmful chemicals is reduced. If this could be implemented, the world would be a better, healthier place to