Alcohol Abuse In Martin Scahill's The Desert Sun

Words: 400
Pages: 2

“As the sun rose over the sleepy desert town of Yucca Valley, Sgt. Martin Francis Scahill stood in his backyard, a black 12-gauge shotgun pressed against his chin, a single shell in the chamber.” This is the beginning statement of Sgt. Martin Francis Scahill’s story in an article reported in The Desert Sun and his tragic demise involving alcohol abuse. At 6:30 am on April 5, 2010, after contemplating suicide for months, Scahill pulled the trigger. Almost an hour later, two deputies from San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department rang the doorbell of Scahill’s home, waking his wife who was asleep on the couch. Together they found the lifeless body of Sgt. Martin Scahill in the backyard. Back inside of the house, Scahill’s belongings were scattered