Alex Tech Essay

Submitted By jsk0283
Words: 392
Pages: 2

The show was a combination of live dance performance with some visual effects. The visual effect was to record the stage from few different angles and project the footage into the background screen with delay effect in real time. Shadows created by lightings from multiple angles also acted as visual effect. It was interesting to find that many times, the actual motion or posture of the dancers looked different from the screen and shadows. The two-dimension quality made it more ambiguous to distinguish the movements, especially the shadows. However, it was an interesting feature that two different analytical results could be driven from same motion. Significant movements from the first and second segments were rolling, jumping, and spiral-and-release action. Rolling in this performance was a little different from the babies’ roll we learned in class. Dancer’s back was almost straight with a slight secondary curve. The dancer twisted the upper body to create spiral for energy to initiate the roll, which could be an example of spiral-and-release action. Addition to rolling, more aggressive spiral-and-release motions were executed with jumping motion. Dancers used the twist to generate energy and released it for explosive twisting jumps and turns. On the other hand, some other dancers made primary curve in their spine before the jump, which eventually becomes secondary curve during the jump. The most interesting movements in the second half segments were bending the body like a bow in backwards and arm gestures. Dancers were highly exaggerating the secondary curve