Alex The Boy Character Analysis

Words: 1357
Pages: 6

Alex, the guy everyone loves. Your typical average guy. He’s tall, with silk brown hair and caramel colored eyes to go with it, he’s very handsome. He’s super kind, charmful some people would say. He is smart, extremely talented, athletic, and very well known. But is that always a good thing? Apparently not to certain people. This story takes place in this current century, in a high school. There are 2 main characters, Alex and Maya. Alex has already been introduced, and Maya will come along later in the story. As a normal teenager, Alex loves doing sports. He plays for the school’s soccer team. He is already in his last year of high school, so he’s in his senior year. But besides being all caught up in sports, he also has a different hobby. Alex loves to sing. He’s amazing at it too. When he strums his guitar and plays a melody, it sounds so heavenly. But, he never really likes to show it off, only to people he’s close with. His whole life, he’s grown up having lots of friends and not having problems with getting picked on. Not even the start of high school. Recently though, it hasn’t been going too well. Alex has always done well in class, always gets his work done, gets good grades, and is smart. He’s …show more content…
Someone just changed it up a little. Maya, a girl with brunette hair, eyes the color of chocolate. She was stunning, but apart from the looks, she was also very intelligent and caring. Alex and her had known each other for quite a while, but weren’t really close. They hardly talked to each other, and if they did it was about school. But it wasn’t to the point where they’d call each other friends. Maya had been watching from a distance what was going on with Alex. Not in a weird a way, but just watching carefully to see if anyone would end up doing something stupid. She wasn’t trying to be nosey. All she really wanted to do was help Alex if it continued. As she saw that it did, she went to talk to