Alexander The Great Essay

Submitted By urmeena
Words: 628
Pages: 3

Urmeena Ashraf
2nd hr.

Alexander the Great Thesis
The Alexander the great was great because he follow his father’s footstep, military tactics, and conquer a lot of land. Alexander the great was born in the Pella region of
Macedonia on July 2o, 356 B.C. He was a filial kid in his childhood. He devoted his time to his father, by going to military campaigns. Alexander was tutored as a child and learned mathematics, reading, writing, and how to play the lyre. He also would have been instructed on how to fight, ride a horse, and hunt. Alexander completed his education at Mieza in 340 B.C. He showed benevolence toward his work. In 336, on Alexander’s sister wedding King Philip ll got empathy and decided to stay at her wedding. During her wedding king Philip ll was murdered at the hand of Pausanias. Then Alexander at the age of 20 he became the king of Macedonia. He was determined to seize the throne. He quickly garnered the support of the Macedonian army.
All of the army member compliance to Alexander. His disciples were loyal to Alexander.
Together they flourished to conquered a lot of land. He had guidelines for his armies on the march. He used strategies to conquer land without losing any battle. Alexander did not practice any ritual because he was more into his work. After his long into conquering land, all of his soldiers wanted to return home to see their family. Alexander agreed and convert his plan, and they return home. Alexander was a good leader in some people thought and even some call him call as a god. While it is clear that his father had a great impact on him, Alexander himself chose to see his success as ordained by divine forces. He called himself the son of Zeus, and so

Urmeena Ashraf
2nd hr.

claimed the status of a demi-god, linking his blood-line to his two favorite heroes of antiquity,
Achilles and Herakles, and modeling his behavior after theirs.

Alexander did followed his father’s footstep. After death of his father he set out on his father’s dream to conquer the world. That was Alexander goal for his life. He amassed the largest empire in the entire ancient world. He declared a lot of war as he followed his father dream. Alexander had really good military tactics. In his