Alexander The Great Character Analysis

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Pages: 5

Alexander the Great: An Analysis Brodi Ashton, he once said “Heroes are made by the paths they chose, not the powers they are graced with.” Alexander the Great conquered a lot of places in the world, and he was one of the most successful king that has ever existed. Alexander protected his people and saved many lives. Although this is very important, it is not about the power and the success of Alexander, it is about the steps that he took that lead Greece into success. Without his Great ruling and military skills, Greece might not have been a thriving, safe, and successful country it was. A hero is somebody who puts themselves before others, a villain is somebody who is self centered and goes out of his way to do terrible things. Alexander …show more content…
He respect other royal families and soldiers. Heroes are loyal to their people and set a great example. Alexander would fight with his men in the wars and stood by them and fought. According to A Hero’s Hero – Alexander and Achilles, “He suffered many near-fatal wounds in his 11 year-long military campaign“ (5). This evidence proves that he risked his life many times, but kept fighting for his people. This is very loyal, some kings just watch the kingdom's civil asians people die. Alexander did not do that. He was risking his life for people. Some people may say that he did everything for money. Although he had a lot of money, Alexander would not have risked his life over and over again just to be king. Alexander the Great was a very good role model to other people and even other countries. According to A Hero’s Hero – Alexander and Achilles, “In large-heartedness, Alexander always looked to set an example to others. After defeating the Persian king Darius in the Battle of Issus, Alexander treated Darius’s family with respect” (6). This proves that he was loyal to the family even though he defeated them. Alexander cared about the family and were nice to them and treated them with respect. This is exactly what a hero acts