Alexander The Great Hero

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Brodi Ashton once said “Heroes are made by the paths they chose, not the powers they are graced with.” Alexander the Great conquered a lot of places in the world, and he was one of the most successful kings that has ever existed. Alexander protected his people and saved many lives. Although this is very important, it is not about the power and the success of Alexander; it is about the steps that he took that lead Greece to greatness. Without his great ruling and military skills, Greece might not have been the thriving, safe, and successful country it was. A hero is somebody who puts others in front of themselves. A villain is somebody who is self-centered and goes out of his way to do bad things. Alexander fought for his people and put others …show more content…
Heros are accountable and do what is expected of them. Alexander the Great did exactly that. He had excellent military skills which improved and helped Greece accomplish extraordinary goals. According to TCI, “His achievements gave him the name Alexander the Great. Alexander was a bold and brilliant general” (315). This evidence proves that Alexander had such powerful military skills that he was named “The Great” after his achievements. Alexander the Great was very brave in war and could make hard decisions when he needed to. Alexander the Great was excellent at conquering places which made Greece stronger. According to Alexander and his Achilles, “Such has been the impact of Alexander’s influence on the world that his legend lives on. Even today, 2300 years after his death. He appears as a character in epics and fables across various cultures in Asia and North Africa” (2). This evidence proves that people honored him and his legend. People from Asia and Africa believed this, and they were not even originally from Greece. People would not feel this way toward him if he were a villain. People liked and respected him as a …show more content…
Alexander the Great made sure that Greek culture was spread, but he still allowed other people to practice the religion that the civilians believed in. According to TCI, it states that “He also intended to spread Greek culture. But he did not want to destroy the local customs and traditions of the various cultures across his empire. His goal was to bring the different peoples of these many cultures together under a single government.”(4) This quote proves that he wanted people to share Greece’s cultures and not feel left out. He did not want to destroy peoples’ cultures; instead, he wanted to spread them with other people. This made people feel comfortable with multiple beliefs including some that they practiced. This is not a trait of a villain. People in Greece loved Greek culture and thought other people would too. According to “Lined with Gold”, it says that Athens, at that time was the high ground of Greek culture and the Athenians took great pride in their urban way of life, their literature and poetry, their sophisticated taste, and above all, their democracy” (3). This evidence proves that Athens loved their religion and enjoyed it a lot. Alexander the Great helped everybody feel this happiness. Greek religion was something that Greeks were proud of which made them want to spread it to