Alexander The Great's Role In The Battle Of Gaugamela

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Pages: 3

The Battle of Gaugamela was an event that shaped and influenced the world to make it how it is today. This battle occurred in a small town named Gaugamela located in the Persian Empire. Alexander the Great, king of the Macedonia, was pitted against King Darius III, king of the Persian Empire, in a decisive battle that would change the world forever. Alexander the Great’s role in the Battle of Gaugamela illustrated his patience, exemplary strategy, and strong leadership. The Battle of Gaugamela was on King Darius’s land in the Persian Empire. It was located in modern-day northern Iraq. This was on King Darius’s turf and he was familiar with the battlefield and the land around it. The Battle itself took place on a large, flat plain which was …show more content…
He was a very smart, ambitious, and firm leader that never coward under power. His empire, through a series of military campaigns, was one of the largest and most influential of that time. He had his goal set on taking over the world and was very ambitious in his task. Although Alexander was very fixated on gaining power, he never let that cloud his judgement. If the empire he was gaining control of peacefully acknowledged his leadership, he would reward them with gifts and would sometimes even withdraw himself from power and restore their leadership . Alexander was known to be one of the soldiers and had a very strong bond with his army and empire. He would fight courageously side by side with his peers and tried to put his soldiers’ needs first. This is especially noted in his campaign into India when turned back home at the demand of his homesick troops. Alexander also had incredible knowledge and leadership on the battlefield. Although most of the time he was outnumbered, he was undefeated in battle with twenty decisive victories and no losses. Many future generals would aspire to be alike Alexander such as Hannibal, Julius Caesar, and Napoleon. Alexander was one of the world’s most influential and powerful leaders and has shaped the world through his exquisite