Alian A Short Story

Words: 1084
Pages: 5

Aliana with a breathing mother and a father made from tender cinder. Her father, who is no longer physically present used to give her a piece of unsweetened chocolate and tells her Te amo Aliana siempre estaré aquí contigo on a daily basis. This use to warm her heart like a thick brown blanket covering the body while sleeping through the quiet night. Now it haunts and tortures her like an array of splinters piercing her skin one by one from head to toe. Broken hearted Aliana and her mother watched as the carcass covered in bullet sized holes enters a pit of blazing wood instead. Minutes passed and the two males emptied a tin barrel filled with water over the flames. Once the smoke cleared out, they shoveled the ash from the pavement and fill …show more content…
So the next best option for Aliana was to set it somewhere in the front yard where nothing can obstruct the jar. As Aliana searches for the perfect spot, she begins to question the significance of her father's final wish of being cremated and having his remains in the house of his family. She quickly brushes the question out of her mind and continues to search for a spot when mixed emotions about her father began to rise. A few minutes passed and she decided to situate the jar on a stump surrounded by Brookside moss that pulsates and golden dandelions that dances in the wind; She assured that the jar was centered on the stump. With a face like a begging puppy, she re-entered her home and plopped on the small burgundy sofa. Seconds later, she felt a hand of silk gently collide on her back but heard no words of comfort to connect with the familiarity of the hand. Salty tears of despair silently began to formulate from Aliana’s hazel eyes and soak the sofa. As Aliana drifted asleep, she heard the voice of her mother who promised to make Pan Dulce together …show more content…
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20. Days and more days passed and Aliana began to show positive changes and her mother became a waitress for a pub house on the eastern side of the county. The very night, Aliana’s mother returned with a bag filled with flour, yeast, cartons of milk, and powdered sugar. Together they’ve made dozens of sweet bread for themselves and eaten them with room temperature, out-dated milk. To end the day, they decided to settle in the same room and Aliana’s mother talked about her distant family. The sun lowering itself below the horizon and so did the last grain of sand within the hourglass in Aliana’s mind. Life seemed to return to it’s normal state for Aliana and her mother and it has. For the first time in days Aliana stepped outside to observe the