Allegory Essay

Submitted By tystover
Words: 593
Pages: 3

Allegory Essay

When I play baseball I lose myself in the game. I don’t think about anything else other than baseball and what is going to happen in that game. When I’m in the batter’s box I’m always thinking about what pitch is coming and how I will swing. When I’m standing at first I think to myself if the ball is hit to me, what am I going to do with it? From being in the batters box to standing at first base waiting on a ground ball, baseball is just like everyday life. The other day I was playing baseball for my fall ball team. I was standing at first base in await of a groundball. A man was at first and whatever way the ball was hit that’s where I would’ve thrown it. This is the same as real life accounting for all possible outcomes. In the business world people factor in all outcomes of sales, customers, economy, etc. If the ball is hit to my left I will just step on first and throw it to second. If it is hit to my right I will throw it to second. If one customer goes another route then that business needs to go after them and stop them or do what is needed for that situation. When standing in the batter’s box I planned on hitting the fastball. The thing is when I look for a fastball it usually seems like I get that dreaded curveball. For businesses to look for perfect situations and for the stock market to go up is easy. Adjusting for a “curveball” is not so easy. The constant struggle of not getting the “perfect pitch” is what separates great hitters from good hitters. It separates great businesses from good businesses. It separates great people from good people. So, when I am in the box thinking for a fastball I aslo think to myself if it’s a curveball I can always fight it off. When expecting a fastball and getting a curveball its likely I’m not going to hit a homerun. So, as a business when faced with a unexpected situation, how can they react? Most likely they won’t get the best outcome from the situation but they could always