Essay on Amazon Employees Seek Pay for Security Checks

Submitted By jstb4dwn
Words: 572
Pages: 3

Amazon Employees Seek Pay for Security Checks

A group of Amazon employees have sued the company stating that they should be paid for off-the-clock theft and security checks. These checks take 20 to 30 minutes before and after their shifts. Employees are also put through these checks before and after their lunch breaks. The cost of conflict here is related to Labor (Time and Compensation), Security, and Litigation Settlements. Employees filed the lawsuit asking for compensation for these checks in the 9th U.S. District Circuit of Appeals in Nevada. The court ruled that Amazon workers in Nevada had to be paid for these checks. Workers in Murfreesboro TN also filed suit and have been compensated for their time depending on how long they worked for Amazon. The settlements ranged from $252 to $5808.
The workers were spending approximately 3 to 20 minutes for each check each day. This may be necessary for the company to control theft but they were not considering the time the employees were losing by having to clock out for this purpose. Security checks are in place for protection of the company as well as the employees. Not only can this prevent theft but they can also prevent weapons and illegal drugs from being brought into the workplace. The length of time it takes to conduct the checks bought on the lawsuit. Employees need to be paid for time spent on the job and for activities that are job related. This is not like going through airport security or security to enter a facility. This is a requirement in place for employees to start work, go to lunch, and leave at the end of their shifts. Employees stated they were embarrassed and humiliated by these checks. Amazon also had a bulletin board that listed instances of theft. Companies incur the cost of additional security and employees should not be subjected to spending additional time without being compensated for this to take place. Amazon has gone a step too far by requiring this to be done off the clock and listing the instances of theft on the bulletin board. Although no names were listed this is taking things almost to a level of intimidation. Although Amazon settled with the workers in Tennessee and quickly compensated