Amazon Rainforest Description Essay

Words: 1012
Pages: 5

Walking back to the hut I noted the beauty of my surroundings. The Amazon rainforest was full of tall, strong trees and plush grass. Birds sang, squirrels jumped, and snakes slithered. All this caused me to review the events of the day. First, I set out early that morning to get water from the lake to use throughout the day, but on the way, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I knew how dangerous the rainforest is for an 8 year old child, so I quickly jumped into a tree above me. At that moment there was a “Snap”! I looked back just in time to see a cage slam down on a baby Jaguar. The cute, little, yellowish-brown animal bounced back and forth in the cage trying to break free, but the cage would not budge. I jumped down from the tree and walked toward the cage, examining the situation. As I neared the cage, I decided to try and return the Jaguar to his …show more content…
Trust me folks, this will be the greatest thing you will witness in your life!” the ringmaster announced with passion and every word overly exaggerated. Cage walked into the center of the arena as a crew lowered the fiery rings down from the ceiling. The crowd was obviously wondering at what the little animal could do, but I was not. An anger rose up inside of me. I could no longer control myself. I stepped forward and yelled at the top of my lungs “You selfish cowards.” The words were out and there was no turning back so, I continued. “You are going to take a harmless animal’s family, destroy his habitat, and then force him to jump to his death.” I saw the people’s faces suddenly change and then somebody yelled. “Maybe I can help with something! Stay here.” he said as he ran out of the arena. After an awkward silence he returned with two beautiful Jaguars. The crowd realized the new Jaguars were Cages parents and let out a loud cheer as the family crowded