American Flag Stand For Tolerance Analysis

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Pages: 3

Barbara Jordan, a famous lawyer, once stated ,“ We, as human beings, must be willing to accept people who are different from ourselves.” The idea of ourselves and others is discussed in the court opinion, Texas v. Johnson by William J. Brennan, the newspaper editorial, American Flag Stands for Tolerance by Ronald J. Allen and To Kill a Mockingbird a novel by Harper Lee. Those who oppose that people can accept others who are different argue that people act racist, try to change others opinion and with violence. It is clear that individuals can accept others who “are different from ourselves” because they are encouraging, approving, and respectful. It is apparent that others are encouraging as seen in court opinion Texas v. Johnson Majority Opinion by William J. Brennan. According to Brennan accepting those who are “different from ourselves,” is encouraged and it states, “It is to persuade them that they are wrong” (Brennan 38-39). This means that court opinion is trying to convince and persuade others that it is wrong to burn the flag but accepts those who do. The nation’s behavior reinforces the idea that even though nobody could punish those …show more content…
Johnson Majority Opinion, is the newspaper editorial American Flag Stands for Tolerance by Ronald J. Allen which is approving towards those who are different. Allen explains that people are approving when it states that, “commitment to freedom of conscience and expression states the simplest and least self contradictory principle that seems to capture our aspirations” (Allen 46-48). This means that everyone has the right to do what the feel and to say what they want and people approve on this. From this example one can infer that if someone wants to burn the flag they have the fight to do so because it is in the First Amendment. This is important because the author’s view on acceptance is positive because he is approving with the decision the supreme court took on allowing the burning of the