American Revolution Vs French Revolution Essay

Words: 878
Pages: 4

Both the French and Haitian revolutions were sparked for similar reasons; by the troubled people, with an unfair distribution between social classes, restrained liberties and a big difference between the wealthy and the poor which was the main motivation. There were significant overall economic differences between Haiti and France before the revolutions occurred. France was nearly bankrupt by the time that the revolution began due to France’s contribution in the American revolution; causing a larger tax put on the third estate. In comparison, the economy of Haiti was not a factor that fueled the Revolution; Haiti’s economy thrived. Free labor from slaves created an abundance of goods. The social class situations of both Atlantic locations were the main causes of the revolutions. Haiti’s social system was unconventional because it was based on race. The French system was very fixated on the lower class. The third estate broke away from France and created the “Declaration of the Rights of Man.” The declaration wrote a set of rights that applied to every man from any social class. After the document was finished the third estate moved toward their goal in taking the …show more content…
Despite awful human, economical, and social costs, the French and Haitian revolutions were able to set the idea of democracy and equality. The French revolutionaries called for reforms such as better taxes, freedom of the press, and equality. They wanted the first and second estates to give up their exclusive special legal status and exclusion from taxes; which they got part of in “The Declaration of France” and “The Declaration of the Rights of Man.” Influenced by the French, Haiti's slaves defied in 1791. Haiti’s revolution was fought to win an end to slavery and to achieve racial equality and national