Amusing Ourselves To Death Neil Postman Analysis

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Pages: 4

Henry David Thoreau was a man of simplicity and he believed advancements in technology, such as the telegraph, could have a negative influence on society rather than a positive impact. Neil Postman was a man who believed that television had replaced the written word and that the telegraph had contributed to the dignifying of irrelevance and amplifying of impotence. These great minds have both experienced the effect that modern technology can have on our society first hand. Although, that doesn’t mean that their implications on the impact of modern technology are completely justifiable. Personally, I believe that advancements in technology have had a positive and beneficial impact on our world today in not only the way we live our lives but …show more content…
Although, I agree with a few of the claims made by Neil Postman in his book, “Amusing Ourselves to Death”, in the case of how the purpose of television has been morphed since its initial release. Postman claims, “There is no subject of public interest—politics, news, education, religion, science, sports—that does not find its way to television. Which means that all public understanding of these subjects is shaped by the biases of television”( Amusing Ourselves to Death). Even though I agree with Postman’s argument towards the influence television has over our opinions, that does not mean that the creation of the television has done nothing but dilute our minds and shape our thoughts. The creation of the television is a similar one to that of the telegraph, in the case of how it shaped the world we live in today, if not even more so. I believe that the television has brought us not only entertainment but important information on current events that may concern us as well as knowledge of numerous subjects and too many …show more content…
Although, I propose that we take the advice of Sue Monk Kidd a writer who wrote in her article “Doing Nothing” about the pleasures of getting away from the stress of modern society, taking a break from technology and responsibilities, and just relaxing amongst nature and basking in its simple beauty( Doing Nothing). This kind of temporary retreat from the technology in our lives can not only allow us to rejuvenate our minds but appreciate what great abilities we have been given thanks to modern technology. Although, Postman admits that he cannot offer solutions for two reasons: most people do not believe the problem needs a cure, and there probably is no solution in any case(Amusing Ourselves to Death). Now, I can agree with the fact that most people of modern times don't seem to believe that there is any problem with the way modern technology has impacted our lives, but I don't believe that there is no solution to this issue. I know that if those who are lost in the lavishness of modern technology can be cleared of the debris that has clouded their minds to the amazing reality of being able to Skype, Facetime, Call, Text, or even watch tv. And of how they should not only appreciate these modern advancements but respect them and not abuse them to the point of