Amusing The Million By John Kason Analysis

Words: 671
Pages: 3

Amanda Pyne
Professor Grunder
Final Paper

TITLE During the passings of the late 19th century and the earlier portion of the 20th century, people saw huge changes in their social ways of living. With large amounts of immigrants coming to America during the late 19th century,people saw rapid social changes that influenced their lifestyle in many ways. As of the 20th century, rock ‘n’ roll not only influenced those of the music industry, but also the people of society and how they would soon express themselves. After analyzing the books Amusing the Million by John Kasson, as well as All Shook Up by Glenn Altschuler, once can see major changes during both centuries that are similar in the way changes affected generations and who they affected, and also different in how changes occurred. Due to these major alterations of these times, a great amount of generation tensions developed as people started to live/act in away older generations have never seen before.
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During the late 19th century, continuing through the turn of the century, genteel cultural reformers tried to control the middle-class within the ways that they lived. They believed that all activities in work and leisure should be productive (Kasson 4). These genteel reformers did all that the could to try to enforce these strict codes of conduct amongst the younger generations, including the creation of different institutions to lur the middle-class to take part in leisure activities. They would soon see that these younger generations would adapt to a new mass culture that was forming rapidly at the turn of the