An Analytical Essay: The Success Of The First Crusade

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Pages: 5

The First Crusade was started by the Western Christian world from 1096 to 1099. It was a military expedition intended to recover the Levant occupied by the Muslim and ultimately ends in 1099 years that the Crusaders captured Jerusalem. (Asbridge)
The Muslims captured Jerusalem since 1076, from that time every Christian who wanted to pilgrimage to Jerusalem was very difficult. Soldiers of Muslim made Jerusalem very dangerous for Christians and Christians who lived in Jerusalem were difficult. (History Learning)This made all Christians greatly angry. Late in the 11th century, Byzantine Emperor Alexius I threatened by the Seljuk Turks and worried that his country might be annexed by Muslim, because it was quite near the country captured by Muslims. Alexei called for Pope Urban II to give him some help. (History Learning) Urban responded readily for the reason that he hoped to reunite the Church
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What was less expected was that this sermon has achieved unprecedented success and the response of the Christians was more loyalty than the Pope expected. Many farmers spontaneously participate in the crusade even though they were lack of fighting skills. They cut out red crosses and sewed them on their tunics. The French word "croix"(History Learning) means cross and the word changed to "croisades"(History Learning) or crusades. The Holy War fight against the Muslims was triggered at any moment. However, the temporary army had no unified commander, so the route and the time of each army set out to Constantinople is totally different. (Middle Ages) Lacking military discipline and fighting skills, they soon had no logistical supply. The mob began to search for food and other supplies around the city with attacking and plundering. Experienced Muslims soon defeated them and killed most of them bloody.