Essay on Ana Carvalho HG Development Project

Submitted By Carol-Porfirio
Words: 944
Pages: 4

Ana Carvalho

Human Growth, Development and Behavior
Developmental Project

January 2, 2015

Recently, I visited my friend’s family with the intention of carrying out my nursing practice on a 4 year McDonald. I went with my nursing facilities in order to achieve my nursing study on McDonald. First, I weighed the mass and the height of the 4 year child.
The results showed that McDonalds weighs 45 Ibs and 42 inches tall. In order to come up with a convincing statistic, I used a Journey Across the Lifespan technique to compare his average height (Taylor, 2007). According to the technique’s statistics,
McDonald is 1.75 inches shorter than average and 1.13Ib. Also, in order to come up with a realistic result, I involved McDonald’s mother in my study. McDonald’s mother informed me that he is much advanced compared to 3 years earlier. Her mother expressed her happiness when she informed me that he behaves like a 6 year­old child.
During my study, I came up with Development Milestones for a 4 year. CDC website played an essential role in my study. The website provided me with the data that was important in my study. My study was to observe McDonald’s interaction and reaction with me. I observed his behavior as well as his development growth. Language, social, cognitive, and physical skills were my key areas of study in the 4 year McDonald.

Psychological skills:
Erikson's theory of Autonomy guided me in placing a 4 year McDonald. According to the theorist, autonomy is the primary psychological task of the child. The theory involves attempting to understand the sense of independence. As the day went by, McDonald showed some signs of getting tired. I also heard a number of words spoken by him.
Among the words, “mum” and “dad” were clear compared to other words McDonald could utter. He could not allow any person to take away his baby toy from his hands. He kept watchful on the baby toy almost the whole visitation. In addition, I observed him copying the words of an adult. For example, I said “come” I heard McDonald uttering the same word “come” According to Erickson, the mimicking adopted by McDonald is an example of an initiative stage of development. During the initiation stage, Erikson suggests that good role models are evident and essential for a child. I also keen on
McDonald’s voice. His change in voice is evident when he plays with his baby toy.
Schooling is his best choice. He loves school, especially under his mother’s guidance.
Through my observation, McDonald demonstrated trust in her first stage of development. The trust allowed him to move from autonomy and initiative stages
(Munn, 1974). Motor skills:
I was keen on McDonald’s posture. I observed that he showed the ability to balance on one foot, he demonstrated ability to jump up and down, danced, and some little runs. I took a chance in observing his preschooler. I observed McDonald walking on tiptoes.

I gave McDonald a ball to see the way he could take it. He extended his arms to take the ball. In addition, McDonald could draw vertical and horizontal lines. He could also differentiate the front and back of his clothing. My surprise was when I saw McDonald putting a 6 piece puzzle together. According to the CDC website, a 4 year child can put
4 or 5 pieces together, but McDonald could put 6 (Important Milestones, 2014). These observable behaviors of McDonald showed that he had reached Autonomy and Initiative stage suggested by Erickson. Language and cognitive skills:
In order to know whether McDonald knows his body parts or not, I used a stick to point at the body parts. He could identify the body parts such as feet, hands, face, eyes, and ears. He could also draw the body parts on the paper or the floor. Proper identification of the body parts is an indication of