Analysis: How Colonialism Changed America Forever

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Pages: 3

How Colonialism Changed America Forever
Why did the Colonists come to America? The Colonists came to America because they wanted escape the religious oppression in England so they could be free to practice any religion they please.When they arrived to the “New World” they were weak and couldn't survive on their own. Until Wampanoag came and made an alliance with the colonists so they can trade and keep each other safe.After years past the tribe leader of Wampanoag, Massasoit started to trade items for land. Enslavement, loss of land, and loss of culture are ways in which colonialism affected the lives of the indigenous people.

In the article “Colonial America Depended on the Enslavement indigenous people”, Marissa Fessenden describes how enslavement affected the indigenous people. In paragraph one the colonist depended on the Indigenous people to build their new lives In the “New World.” Evidence from the text states “the colonial economy depended on slavery, many well-to-do household functioned only because of slavery, early colonial legal codes were devised to justify slavery.” This affected the indigenous people because the laws that were made allowed slavery to happen and therefore they had no rights or a way of getting out of the cruel misery they found themselves in. Also, this meant that from then on the indigenous people would be born into slavery and became known as slaves and were subverted to a low
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For example in the documentary “We Shall Remain.” gives a good representation of how the indigenous people loss their land. This happened because they were deceived into unfair tradings of items. The value of the things that the colonists traded for were nothing compared to the value of the indigenous people’s lands. This meant that the indigenous people lost all of their power and property, and no longer had any