Analysis Of Brent Staples A Brother's Murder

Words: 313
Pages: 2

In “A Brother’s Murder” , Brent Staples uses details and conflict to convey that life can be very short if you are young, and careless. . As we see right off the bat in the very beginning stages of this passage, we see that Brent Staples uses the details in his passage to get his points across. In the second sentence we see Mr. Staples uses a lot of details and descriptions of his brother’s murderer and how his brother was killed, “Wearing a ski mask, he emerged from a car, fired six times at close range with a massive .44 Magnum, then fled.”. These details show me that his brother was essing around with the wrong crowds, and you knew that since he was being so young and careless, he was bound to have been killed. Also, as we read along in