Analysis Of Comes A Time We Are All Enthusiasm By Ghassan Hage

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Pages: 2

In Comes a Time We are All Enthusiasm, Ghassan Hage discusses the “condemnation imperative” (67) – the difficulty of expressing a neutral or sympathetic perspective regarding Palestinian suicide bombers (PSBs). He goes on to analyse the motivations of both PSBs and those who condemn them. Hage first proposes that we investigate the specific social circumstances that produce suicide bombers, instead of seeing them as outliers. Like Eqbal Ahmad, he questions the vagueness of the term terrorism and asks if PSBs can even be considered terrorism which he argues “is not the worst kind of violence that humans are capable of” (72). As Azka has stated, moral comparisons can become problematic. Additionally, while I understand Hage’s use of empirical