Analysis Of Douglas Victor Janoff's Pink Blood: Homophobic Violence In Canada

Words: 395
Pages: 2

Douglas Victor Janoff in “Pink Blood: Homophobic Violence in Canada” opens our eyes to the victims affected by the dangers of Sexual Violence. Within “Pink Blood”, Janoff displays the reality of sexual assault amongst all genders, as well as sexuality: whether heterosexual, gay, lesbian bisexual or transgendered. He breaks down the struggles which homosexuality can bring as well as the high vulnerability to becoming potential victims.
Within Janoff’s piece, he takes real re- search and actual case studies begin- ning in the year 1990 all the way to 2003, and break down their traumatic expe- rience, or their death. People like; John Somerton who had his skull smashed open with an iron bar after being raped in Toronto, 1992, or Robert Panchaud