Analysis Of Go Set A Watchman By Harper Lee

Words: 323
Pages: 2

Go Set a Watchman, by Harper Lee, is a book that most readers nowadays would not enjoy. While Harper Lee captures the struggles of the mid 19th century, most readers would not understand the concept of Go Set A Watchman. To really grasp the idea and the deception of the book, you have to read To Kill A Mockingbird. This book portrays a great deal of falsehood and beguilement as Jean Louise Finch, or Scout, discovers disturbing memories she had long forgotten. As she tries to grasp the reality of it all, she realizes what her father has done in the past and how the contributes to how things are now, and she sees him in a new, frightening light. Jean Louise Finch becomes pessimistic as everything she believed is turned upside down. Yet you would