Analysis Of Joy Williams Save The Whales, Screw The Shrimp

Words: 144
Pages: 1

In her essay, “Save the Whales, Screw the Shrimp,” Joy Williams argues that society is deluding itself, believing it is helping the environment while essentially neglecting it. Many would like to think that they are supportive of environmental efforts, but these same people will undoubtedly be throwing recyclables in the trash and littering the streets and water bodies with their waste. A specific example involves shrimpers refusing to use TEDs (Turtle Excluding Devices) as they are afraid of reeling in less shrimp, but in actuality, the amount of shrimp caught is roughly 1/10 of the other unfortunate sea creatures to be tangled up in these nets. Humans are undoubtedly aware of the issues affecting the environment, but hardly anyone will take