Analysis Of The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

Words: 598
Pages: 3

In the adventure that is life itself, there will always be complications. All humans react differently in separate situations. People can best respond to conflict by having a positive attitude or outlook, working together to problem solve, and avoiding the reality of a problem. Everyone always thinks that the situation they are in is the biggest problem of their life without thinking about all the horrible things that happen to innocent people around the world. Acting upon individual situations with a positive outlook can make it more tolerable or help solve things. For example, when the Jewish people were being persecuted by the Nazis, Anne Frank wrote in her diary, “I don't think I'll ever feel at home in this house, but that doesn't mean I hate it. It's more like being on vacation in some strange pension” (Frank 374). Her positive outlook on her new hiding place makes it more tolerable for her to be there. In the fictional book The Boy In The Striped Pajamas, two boys are friends even under the extreme circumstances they are in. Even though Shmuel is being put to work in Bruno’s house by Bruno’s father, he is still happy to see Bruno when Bruno encounters him cleaning the glasses (Boyne 384). …show more content…
By ignoring her horrible fate, Anne Frank could endure living in horrible conditions. For example she wrote in her diary, “... I was able to plaster the wall with pictures. It looks much more cheerful” (Frank 374). She dismissed her situation entirely and decided to liven up her living space so that is was more visually appealing. Bruno, from The Boy in The Striped Pajamas, either ignored his situation with Shmuel or was oblivious that Shmuel was a Jew in a concentration camp. For example, Bruno states, “This isn't his house it's mine, and when Father is away I'm in charge” (Boyne 385). This shows that he doesn’t care for his situation and makes the best of it as if he’s so great and has unlimited